Monday 5 January 2015

Muscle weighs more than fat... Doesn't it?

I'm not sure how but I've managed to lose weight. Only a lb (well maybe 2lb but the scales aren't that easy to read). I'm not supposed to be losing weight. Im supposed to be maintaining it or at least putting it on. Im the only person I know that is currently keeping a food diary to ensure that enough food is consumed. I will admit I'm under the amount today and yesterday. I have been eating my smoothies, maybe I need to increase the volume. Who knows, its a fun balancing act.
What I do want to know is where that lb has gone from. Better not be from my chest. That needs all the help it can get!

So running today. What a surprise. I warned you, I'm training again, that means running will be mentioned. It was a tad chilly but I warmed up and had a nice easy run with the club. Respectable 5 miles. Going to try for 6 tomorrow.

Oh and cooked proper food yesterday. Quinoa and tofu stirfry, all from scratch. Who knew I could cook. Well actually I did, I just choose not to.

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