Thursday 15 January 2015

Yep I've returned

It's been almost two weeks. I'm sorry. I neglected you. So I'm writing now. Do you forgive me? I'll be more up to date, but obviously not writing boring crap like - I ate dinner.

Sooo I have been fighting off a cold. Haven't been able to run which I think has upset me more. I was so lurgified that I ended up having a day off work. I was proper ill. It seems to have calmed down a bit down. It has meant I've lost more weight due to a loss of appetite but I've sorted that with a pizza round my mates house. I'll have those 3lb back on in no time. And being busy of an evening is the other reason I have been lax in my blogging. I've been pretty much catching up with local friends ( or waiting for buses that never turned up). This next week will be a little bit more sedate unless I have forgotten to add stuff in my calendar in which case stuff is going to jump up from behind the sofa and I'll go 'oh yeah' I was supposed to do that. Running will be the main focus of my time as I have to start training for my first race if the year which is just over 5 weeks away, with the big race just over 15 weeks away.. Shit!

Races away do mean accomodation so brighton hotel now booked for Brighton half marathon. I have my hotel booked and my flights booked for Toronto (although passport is in wrong name). All that left for Toronto now is to book some fun stuff to do, oh and save some money so I can afford to do the stuff!  At least staying with family means I don't have too many accomodation costs. 

That then leads me to thinking about my other holiday time. Well there is two more mountains being walked up and I might be hopping on over to France for a camping and cycling holiday. Actually I'm thinking more camping, more wine and less cycling. Maybe I could have a holiday where there is less exercise - that would be a novelty. Oh and potantially a skiing holiday but that will depend on cost as well. Beauty of local government. Loads of holiday but no money to actually spend ha ha. 

Just have to make the most of my weekends... When I'm not running 18 miles ;)

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