Sunday 4 January 2015

Happy New Year

So its 2015.well four days into 2015 to be precise. I would have blogged sooner but the bluetooth keyboard im borrowing hd run out of juice so i had to charge it up, plus cut my nails cos it is very hard to type with long nails on asmall keyboard. to be honest i think ill invest in a bigger keyboard.

Sooo i have done my first run of 2015. Managed 5.5 miles. Was aiming for 6 because I need to start my marathon training and need to build up the miles. But its a good start, plenty of hills which is good for the marathon im doing in October (yes im doing another marathon in October). This years races are 2 halfs, 2 marathons and potentially 2 10ks. There may be more but I think this may be enough, I dont want to overdo it. the next 15 weeks will be training for Toronto marathon. I need to check out the course but it looks to be fast and downhill. I should finish it before the sweeper coach though. Partt of this years training is looking at nutrition. I have bought a blender and already had a pre run and post run smoothie. I recommend soya choc milk,almond butter and cherries after a run, yummy :). ive got to keep an eye in my fat intake as almond milk which I have started drinking can be a bit fatty. i may revert to soya as it has more protein in it than almond. Ive also switched to drinking hot water and lemon at home (although still drinking tea at work as I need the caffine). I woont bore you the rest of my dietary details but Im hoping they work. From 12 Jan my training plan kicks in so there will more talk of running and strength training.

After Toronto marathon Im planning on spending just under 3 weeks in Canada. Some time with my family and some time exploring. Depends on expenses of course, but Ive seen a couple of things I want to check out.A wine tour I think is a must. Be nice to go for acouple of days and stay elsewhere and meet up with new people.  we shall see.

Ill also be walking up mountains again. 2 this time. Not sure which 2 we settled on. There are 2 in Ireland and one in Isle of Man. but it will be fun and I look forward to catching up with me mates again, camping and having a good laugh. 

Thats all that is planned at the moment but I hope to have many adventures this year. I need to get off my backside and visit people. Unfort I do lose a bit of time when I get into my longer runs becasue they take several hours and wipe me out for the rest of the day. But the right amount of planning I hope to spendsome time with friends and family in the summer. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful 2015 xxx

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