Sunday 23 November 2014

Catching up with friends before they run away

I have had two awesome weekends with some stuff happening in between. And the awesomeness isn't even over yet.

So last weekend was my friends Simon's birthday. I had a day off work on the Friday so we headed to e Christmas market where we watched a guy playing with green goop outside the Lush shop and then we blew bubbles with him with our hands. I thought that was rather cool. Then it was the usual task of eating German sausages whilst indulging in alcoholic hot choc (or in Simons case - beer)
There is also a snow globe that you can play in but we didn't do that. Might indulge in that another day.
Saturday saw me attempting fairy cakes. Not my best batch ever but they did have comic book hero icons (batman, superman, captain America etc etc). I won't give my day job up just yet but they didn't look too bad. Once the cakes were safely delivered to the restaurant I headed to laser quest. Played two games. First game was everyone for themselves and I came 2nd. I was beatend by Jon who is the terminator I reckon. He was awesome. So to come second I was incredibly chuffed. The second game we wre in teams and there are some students mixed in as well. Some students had no clue what they were doing and were easy targets. Some students were very hot and I followed them. Most of the time I hid in a hides hole and got people as they went past. Came fourth in that game so again very pleased . Look out people I can use a gun lol. 
After shooting people with lasers we heading to a Greek restaurant where we ate copious amounts of food (some got taken home) and the whole restaurant sang happy birthday to simon. Well it see,did like they did. The evening ended with drinking. 

This weekend was a complete contrast. It was very chilled and I loved it. I visited friends in Birmingham. Whenever I visit them I try to go to my favourite shop in the whole wide world - The Oasis. A heavenly place of alternative wear. This weekends misson - to find the dress for my works xmas party. Now I was being sensible this time. I'm 35 in a couple of weeks and so I do feel my days of skin tight latex are numbered. So I was going for something tasteful. And I found it. It's beautiful. I need help getting in and out so logistics are required but I have fallen in love with it. I just need to accessorise and I'm wearing to the next event after the xmas party that I can. Maybe I could run in it... Unlikely.
I also managed to get some new running trainers which is good timing since I'm starting my marathin training again in January. They are very pretty and they felt so comfy. Hopefully they will stay comfy. 

I checked out the Birmingham xmas market which is a bigger version of Bristol xmas market. I'll be checking one out in Scotland next weekend as well. And I'm sure there is plenty of time to check others out before Christmas. 

The rest if time was chatting and drinking lots of tea whilst discussing Sian running a 10k which I sadly can't run with her (clashes with marathon) plus the next three mountains we are all climbing in 2015. Logistics are going to be interesting this time as we have extra peeps including sprogs (not mine!!) but I think it will be fantastic fun again. Looking at Isle of Man, and the two Irish ones. My marathn training may limit when I'm available. And I'll have to work any other races round them. But should be a fun packed year. 

Currently deciding if it's worth doing an adventure marathon in 2016 ( after saying that toronto would be my last). I really am tempted by the polar marathon although not sure how I would train for it. Maybe I could go to a warehouse with a freezer section and run laps in it. Plus I want to do my motorbike licence at some much I want to do and not sure how I'm going to fit it all in. Good job I've kinda given up the idea of having kids. Don't have time ha ha ha.

Off up to Scotland to see other peeps next weekend. I've decided to do my blog weekly unless I have something amazingly fun to say. So probably be updating on Monday 1 December. 

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