Monday 3 November 2014

Poppies and rock

Well the foot hasn't let up but it is getting easier to walk. Running still isn't an option. I tried running for the bus and still missed it, plus foot hurt so not a great idea. Spent the day at work with my foot up on a chair. And it difficult trying to type at an angle.

Spent Weds evening with my mate Dave. Bought him dinner which consisted of one of the take away meals in a box from tesco. I'm very classy me. Still it was nice to have a catch up, watch a movie and eat fake Chinese food. The great thing about Dave is he has known me for years and I can slob and there are no airs and graces cos he knows exactly what I am like.
Thursday I sat and watched other people run. If I'm not able to run next month (unlikely as I am getting better) then I must remember to take a book cos sitting waiting for people to run past you when you have no entertainment is a tad boring. It's fine when people are running past you cos you can shout out to them. Plus the food at the pub after is always nice. Opted for the gammon. Wetherspoons curry doesn't inspire me. The nice thing about Thursday night was knowing I had a lie in on Friday.

Friday was Halloween, Samhain, All Hallows' Eve etc etc. so obviously I was going to have a day off. I have finally eaten in Grillstock. It was yummy. I like pulled pork and I like cider so all in all I was happy girlie. The evening was a party and I got to dress up. Again I'm happy. Went for simple, devil costume thing. If I thought I could get away with bright red hair then I would have my hair in a bright red bob. Played drinking pass the parcel and almost had a glass of wine tipped over me (by accident, I wasn't starting any fights). Then in Saturday I headed to London with my friend Simon to see Black Stone Cherry. My first Wembley gig, and I'd never heard of the band before. London decided that shutting several bits of the underground would be a good idea and we eventually turned up at our hotel at 5 something, scoffed down some room service and headed over to the venue... Which was a one minute walk as we were on the doorstep. Epic, awesome. Theory of a DeadMan and Black Stone Cherry are now firm favourites. They were amazing to see live. The atmosphere was fantastic. Loved it.

Sunday was the obligatory sightseeing. Stood in a queue for a while to see the ceramic poppies which were fantastic, I didn't queue for the whole time cos it was raining and I managed to get a glimpse. Then went to see a exhibition of paintings and drawings on witches and wicked bodies at the British Museum. Well worth seeing, plus we got to see an ancient Chinese scroll which only goes on view a couple of weeks at a time as it is so fragile. 

Monday seems a bit dull now. 

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