Wednesday 5 November 2014

Tidy your room or you are grounded

Watching The Apprentice after a long day. I would love to interview propel by setting them tasks. The episode today was particularly cringeworthy. I won't go into detail as people may not have watched it yet. But it was dire. These are supposed to be intelligent people... Aren't they?!?

This week has been busy again. Monday was supposed to be an evening of sorting stuff out, mostly my room (I feel like such a teenager when I say that). As I have been rushing in and out, stuff has just been dumped and I have a corner where there is just piles of stuff. It needs to be sorted so my room can be a sanctuary of calm... Also I think my room has swallowed two packets of noodles, a tin of kidney beans and a packet of rice. Either that or the kitchen pixie has eaten them. I know I haven't!
Tuesday was off up to patchway to see my mate Babs. Apart from missing my bus and getting caught in traffic it was a lovely evening and it was great to see her. Next time I hope to arrive on time.

I have decided that after next Weds, that the following Weds will be me days. Days where I pamper myself, where I don't worry about my room or anyone else and focus on me. My skin is getting spotty and dry and my feet need a good pedicure. So weds will be a leave on time day and get home and it's all about me. So I need to get my room sorted for that to happen lol. Starting to formulate some ideas for sorting that corner out. But sorting will have to wait as I'm heading to the Watershed tomorrow to meet Liz and Friday I'm going to watch Westin Carnival. 

Well I don't think I can for a minute that my life is dull. 

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