Wednesday 12 November 2014

Quiet week

It's been a week since I blogged. Very lax. Currently sitting trying not to think about the chocolate on the table. Which is my landladys birthday chocolate. 

Soooo what have I been up to since last time I blogged. Wellll I met up with my mate Liz at the Watershed. I haven't been to the Watershed in ages so it was really nice to meet up there. Had a nice meze and enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine. The wine was definately well received. Had had a busy day. I do love catching up with people over wine and meze. It's always fun.

Friday saw me watching the weston carnival. I haven't been to carnival for years. It was amazing, the clubs are definately getting better. The floats were fantastic. Went along with Dave and Hannah and it pissed down with the rain. We got soaked to the point I lost feelings in my hands. But it was worth it. 
The weekend that followed was a lovely and chilled. I went to the comic book store and oh my goodness there is so much I want to buy. Heading there after work on Thursday. Feeling like a kiddie in a candy store. Cannot wait.

This week I've been haven't been doing much because I've been working late at work. So tonight it will be the apprentice and tomorrow it is my Friday. Next week will be running

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