Tuesday 28 October 2014

Adventures and running

Ive done it again. I've managed to not update my blog for weeks (well days) on end.

however i am trying out a bluetooth keyboard and apart from some sticky keys every so often i am finding it abit easier to type on than the ipad screen. Definately easier to correct mistakes although it has just taken me about 5 mins to write the word definately.

So what have i been up to. Well the last two weekends have been race orientated. The  first was Amsterdam Marathon where i managed a respectable time of 4hrs 54 mins and 10 secs, wiping off 15mins off my London time. Considering I did less training for this one plus I started too fast (kept up with my friend Emily who runs faster than me and then second half i had to walk run) i was very happy. planning on putting a proper training plan together with cross training and making sure my nutirition is correct. Hoping to get my time under 4hrs 50. 
After the marathon Emily and I vegges and ate alot. We  did go round a lovwely museum the day before so it wasnt all running and eating.
How ever i did sustain a niggle in my foot which i hoped would go away by the following weekend. 
When I returned back to Bristol I spent alot of time sleeping (when not at work) and my friend Simon took me to Pieminster to celebrate my marathon. I probably ddiint enjoy it as much as I could have as I was faling asleep.
Saturay of the weekend just gone, i headed up to Leicester. To run a half marathon. I stayed at my friends Clare and Keiths and it was lovely to see them.Clare was getting ready to head to Morrocco in the early houra of the morning on a school trip so it was up to Keith to see me safely to the start of the race. Theniggle was still there but alot better so figured I would be ok running with it... big mistake.Mile 7th mile, the muscle on the underside of my left foot decided it had had enough and started to cause me a lot of grief. The only way to contimue was to hobble/run/walk. I went up onto my toes for a little while but that caused other muscles to protest. I eventually hobbled in but I waspleased i had finished. It  wasnt a wellorganised race. Not enough toilets and running along side traffic on busy roads. Still I got anice medal and bright orange t shirt.

My foot has been taped up and Keith didnt mind me lying around watching Tv on his sofa. Today at work my foot has been in constant acheyness and Ive alternated between having it up on a chair and not having it up on a chair. I wanted to get stuff done but I cant stand on it too much and i have to keep trying to rest it. Not running this week -prob not next week either but I have no races till February so its no biggy. just need to ease myself back in and then I can start booking the races in for 2015. My main race is the marathon I will be running in Toronto in May.
The other problem is that as I cant run, I really want to run. Tonight was really boring. Room needed tidying as I have been a whirlwind in and out of my room. As im busy every night now till next week this was my last chance to do it before next week. Ive unpacked from Leicester and started thinking about waht to pack for this weekend. The nxt two weekends after that I am in Bristol but already busy. Then off to Brum and Scotland for the end of November. December is starting to fill up and Im sure illstart  booking in visits to people for Jan. Feb-April I will have to be clever with my time, as t will be training, so prob wont be seeing people much and then I have my three weeks in Canada when I get to see my amazing family. Im sure ill have more adventures planned after May but for now Ill enjoy the next few months and live life to the full. The new year approcahes and it can only get more exciting.

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