Saturday 4 October 2014

Catching up

So again I've forgotten the blog. Looking at the date if the last one I'm a little behind so I'll either have to write a massive long blog or just summarise... I'll summarise.

So two weekend ago I pass my motorbike theory test. The was almost violence as the guy next to me wouldn't stop humming. Luckily for him he stopped. Not that I would have done anything because I wanted to pass. How I passed I don't know. I was sure I failed but somehow I passed. I now have 2 years to do my test in. I'm thinking of doing a week intensive course, somehow I think it's easier. I'm hoping to look at doing spit next year but it is down to finances and what else I'm doing.

I also ran the Bristol half marathon in a time of 2hrs 10. Not an overall personal best but it was a pb for Bristol so please there. I'm running brighton half in feb and aiming for 2hrs at that one. But before that I have amsterdam marathon and Leicester half to run. Currently tapering in readiness for amsterdam. I'm currently fighting a cold off so today I'm doing nothing. I spent some time in the sunshine but sleeping seems to be on the agenda so I can run tomorrow. Aiming for about 12 miles. My problem at the moment seems to be eating enough. I'm just so tired all the time!

The last few weeks have been busy with seeing people in the evenings and chilling out. Been catching up with friends, running, watching great British bake off with my landlady. I saw my mate mo who I haven't seen in ages and I was finally able to give her my Yule present to her. Everyone is just so busy it's difficult to catch up.

I've also been doing my painting. Probably going to do a bit more later or tomorrow. I'm currently working on a sunset scene. Has oranges and yellows and reds. Needs some pink and then a silhouette of a tree against it. Well that's the plan. I've also got a few others in the pipeline which I need to jot down. Got a load of glass beads that I want to use and some crazy ideS for them. Hmmmm. Need to clear off my crafting table... Again lol

Oh and I have signed up for toronto marathon cos I didn't get into London marathon. Going to combine it with seeing family and having some adventures. So just need to get accomodation and flights sorted.wxcited about May 2015. 2015 I might also do a week in the sun, depending on my finances. It's all about how to juggle the finances. Lol

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