Thursday 18 September 2014

Run before the storm

Wow what a light show last night. Coming back from the first run of the Weston Prom series, the lightning (hope I've spelled it right) lit up the sky. It was an awesome sight and brought back some lovely memories of watching storms on the continent. The spread of the forks across the sky was spectacular. What wasn't awesome is the thunder did keep me awake so it took forever to fall asleep which was surprising as I was knackered.

First race of the Weston Prom Series. 9 races, 5 miles, up and down the sea front. Not the most interesting of races, once you have gone up and down and you have to realise you have to do it again it's a bit blergh. The very first time I attempted it a few years ago I didn't manage 5 miles, only managed 2.5. This time though it was 5 miles under 48 mins which I'm pleased with. Now just need to get that time down. Started too fast this time but running with friends kept me going and I kept going, without stopping with a sprint finish at the end. I saw the clock at 47 and though I'm getting in under 50 mins. Possibly pushing myself with a Half marathon on Sunday wasn't the greatest idea but I'm pleased anyway. The main reason is the social aspect. A number of us went for curry after at the pub. I didn't go large for a pound and I still didn't manage to eat it all. I did have a chocolate brownie and two  cookies at work yesterday maybe that filled me up lol. Bit I'm looking forward to the next run. Hopefully it'll be a bit cooler. 

Gotta revise for me motorbike theory test tomorrow. Wish me luck

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