Wednesday 17 September 2014

Canada planning

Just back from spending a lovely evening with my friend Carole. Her little boy is 9 months old and it doesn't seem five mins that she was pregnant so time flies when you are having fun. And it does feel like time is flying in which case it won't be long till I'm back in Canada visiting my family so I thought it best I start thinking about what  I wanted to do when I was out there. Logistics will need to be looked at but for what I can see the Greyhound is an option and not too dear. Also something's I may have to book especially as I am heading over in spring when the marathon is on (as I'm hoping to run it).

So what things am I thnking of doing
-CN tower revolving restaurant - even if all I do Is have lunch or a slice of cake
-CN tower edge walk - this is still a maybe as last time I was at CN tower there was no way I was doing it but you know what, you only live once and I don't know when I'll get the chance again. Obviously it's dependent on weather.
- a wine tour - there are loads of them and some are done by bicycle or car or scooter. I think if I'm drinking wine someone else should be in charge
- Algonquin park - Ontario has lots of parks but this one has been suggested. You can hike, nature watch, canoe etc. It had adventure day tours so that will be something I'm checking out. You can stay nearby or camp. As I'm not taking my camping stuff I may stay in one if the lodges that has bunks and dorms so a cool way to meet people. 
- Niagara falls - just so I can say I have been three times lol
- Day trip to America. Niagara is right next to the border so could hop over for lunch
This is just a starter if ten. I have several months to really start thinking about it and want to cram as much as I can in, as well as seeing the family lol.

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