Wednesday 3 September 2014

Showering in the dark

Sooo the lights have gone in the house. There is power to everything else (plug sockets etc) just not to the lights. Or the oven. For some reason the oven ain't working either. The breaker is refusing to stay up and stubbornly staying in the middle so an electricin is being called. It's probably something simple but we can't figure it out. I did message my dad and go through some basic stuff. It means that this morning I had breakfast and got dressed in the dark and this evening I had it have a shower before it got dark. There is currently a lamp in the hallway so I can get to the bathroom without walking into something and it's directed at the bathroom door so the light shines though so you can see what you are doing in there. All that time walking round my flat in the dark has really paid off. I knew it would come in useful one day. I must admit I prefer darkness however it is weird switching the light switch and nothing happening. 

I got my eyebrows threaded today. I was looking at my face and thinking urg blackheads when I realised my eyebrows needed doing. Luckily for me the salon could fit me in and now I have tidy eyebrows. I also have bought some face stuff that clears blackheads in one day. So see how that goes. Maybe my face will disappear. Sat doing my nails. Well I've finished now cos I wouldn't be able to write this blog if I had just done my nails, I totally understand why people pay other people to do their nails for them. I get bored so quickly. I keep thinking that mabe once a month I'll treat myself to a facial or having my nails done. There are some things I need to do regularly like getting my eyebrows tidyied etc. I should really have a better regime. Although saying that I do have a skin care regime and I am getting good at doing it morning and night. Not doing it tonight cos I used the blackhead stuff  -ahhh.

Waffling now about random stuff. Which may or may not be interesting. Depends who is reading it. Thinking I might go into work early again tomorrow, let's hope my PC behaves it self and doesn't need rebooting twice! The beauty of going in early is I get an hour to just get on with work and I can go home at four and I've still done a full day. 

Yep I'm definately rambling now so I'm going to say farewell for now. I'm off to wedding on Friday so my next blog entry probably won't be until Saturday when I hope to write up about a wonderful time:D

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