Monday 1 September 2014

Autumn days

September begins. Can't believe it's September already. Autumn has arrived. The leaves are turning glorious colours, the air is warm but the crispness of the evenings is in the air as the evenings draw in. I do like autumn. Bonfires, Halloween, dark evenings. Along with winter this is my favourite time of the year. I have a dark side to me that feels at home in the autumn. Need to start think autumn equinox and how to celebrate but also Samhain. Need to start thinking of my challenges ahead and how best to celebrate my new year.

Didn't get a chance to run tonight as I worked late (ok work/life got completely smacked down today) but I did go to the gym yesterday. 15 mins in the cross trainer, 30 mins on the treadmill and 15 mins on the bike. Was quite pleased with it. Gutted I didn't run and I do need to learn not to beat myself up if I don't run. I will get one in tomorrow. I'm planning 2 runs and a gym session this week, Friday I will be at a wedding so Sunday is a long run and this time I won't lock myself out so I can actually go for it. 16 or 18 miles. I have a seven min workout I plan to do each morning. Also I do dance round my room occasionally like a loon and I work a sweat up sp that must count as exercise.

Right to sleep, to dream. Or at least lie here with a full belly. Morgan (the other lodger) cooked tonight. Bloody nice spag Bol which I ate far too much of. The spaghetti was not gluten free so I envisage an upset stomach tomorrow. Hopefully I shall be proved wrong.

Love and light

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