Sunday 31 August 2014

Fascinating fascinata

I've finally managed to do it. I have left my keys at home. And I am not at home. Luckily I am round a friends house so I can take up space on their sofa whilst they potter. My landlady is out so can't even ring the bell and hope to be let back in. So I'm updating my blog. If the wii fii worked outside then I would be sat in the sunshine. Ouch just manged to cut my finger on my fingernail. They are lethal!

So yesterday I had a lie in, till about 9 in the morning and then I vegged. I had a geeky morning watching Justice League cartoons whilst thinking about if I can get a Harley Quinn costume sorted for Halloween. I did eventually venture out cos it was a gorgeous day and I can spend a whole morning watching TV which can be a tad watesful of a gorgeous day. That should be left for cold rainy days. 
I needed to go out because I needed a hat or fascinata for a wedding coming up. My friend Simon needs educating on what a hat for wedding looks like. Fell back on a reliable Debenhams where the shop assistant asked me what type of hat I was looking for (there are different hats for different things). Managed to find a fascinata and a new bag so win. Now just need to work out accessories and what make up. Do need some new foundation but it's not pressing. 

Finally been to see Guardians of the Galaxy and I highly recommend it. It was fantastic. Funny,emotional and lots of action.  Perfect combination in my book. 
Followed by meal at Coal. We had Yo Sushi before movie plus sweeties (pick n mix) so we stuck to starters for our meal as wee a tad full. Plus cocktails. Yummy cocktails. Love cocktails. 

Have now caught up with the new doctor who. Verdicts still out on that one. 
Need to plan my training and social life and fun stuff so signing out. I'm sure I'll write again tonight but right now I want to sit in sunshine

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