Friday 8 August 2014

Now that makes sense

Bus blogging again today. Not feeling great so letting the bus do the work. Haven't blogged for a bit, three days but that is too long. Another gorgeous day so a bit gutted I'm not on the scooter. But feeling sick and helmets are not a great combination. 

Tuesday I ran 7.6 miles. Was a good run but hard work which I found a bit worrying considering I'm supposed to be able to run marathon distance. I did interval sessions, so running hard for a couple of mins and jogging for recovery. Mixing up your speed is supposed to help. Staying on the running theme I finished work early on Thursday and decided to do my 16 mile long run needed as part of my training. Managed 5 miles. Was gutted but can put it down to these factors - running after full day at work and also body run down. Not a good combination at all so although I'm not happy about it at least there are fairly good reasons. Need to mix up my running with some cross training because that helps. 

Just thought I saw a gut wearing shorts over his motorbike trousers. Think I mis saw but interesting. And there are loads of balloons in the sky :)

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