Thursday 28 August 2014

Slowly climbing

So I've walked up mountains so the next logical thing is to try climbing. I had the choice of bouldering or climbing in the deals but I went with climbing first. Harness included - sounds good. 90 minutes taster session. Maybe bouldering another time. The only thing for me is I worry about falling and that's what has stopped me in the past. But no more. Conquering fears now. No more excuses. If I haven't tried it at least once then I can't cry and say I didn't  like it. I'm hoping that not wanting to look like a wuss will mean ill man up and get on with. I still regret not getting in the trapeze harness when I did circus skills. I will go back and do it. But first things first - conquer my fear of falling. So In a week and a bit ill be probably holding onto the wall for dear life trying not to look like a wuss. Or having the time of my life and wondering when I can go again. I'm hoping it will be the later. 

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