Tuesday 26 August 2014

The Ben - the end of an epic adventure

Wow what an epic weekend. Sian, James and I walked up Ben Nevis. It was a fitting end of our three peaks challenge. It was hard going but worth it in the end. There was no view but there was snow.


Sian and I travelled up on train to Glasgow where we were met by James and we drove onto Fort William. We arrived at a lovely little campsite and set the tent up and proceeded with our usual meal of couscous and grated cheese. It was a relaxed evening and not as cold as we first thought.


So today was the day. We were walking up Ben Nevis. We packed our food and drink, put our layers on (it was a little chilly) and started for the Tourist path. We decided to go the steeper first path. It was a nice walk up, hard on the knees and we did need to lose some layers cos it got a tad warm. The day was warm but windy and the view was gorgeous. Many waterfalls. Lots of people walking. I was very thankful for my walking poles cos some of the path was a bit rocky and the poles came in useful. In fact we did see the path being fixed. We stopped by a stunning waterfall and we filled a water bottle. The water tasted lush. The climb continued. The weather started to get a little colder and then we came across a patch of snow. Thee was no snow falling, just a patch of snow surrounded by rocks and grass. Thee was also a gully where a large ball of snow hung between two cliff points. For me it was an achievement to stand quite close to the edge and have a look at it. I'm not a huge fan of heights. When we got to the top I had put on my ski googles. It was bloody freezing. I lost the feeling in my fingers so the hot chocolate we had brought was gratefully received. As we sat eating our lunch watching the cloud hide the view, it started to snow. It was beautiful a real sense of calm but as it got harder we decided to descend. It was hard going down as some of the steps were long drops. However it did make me smile seeing the strange looks on peoples faces as we walked down - I still had my ski googles on even thoug it was sunny.
We got back and celebrated with sparkling wine and a very yummy chilli cooked by Jay.


Legs sore and aching but still a sense of achievement running through our veins. We wandered to the Ben Nevis tourist shop to buy tat. I bought a t shirt and a medal. Sian tried Irn Bru. I also saw something about a race. 
http://www.bennevisrace.co.uk/about/. Maybe one for the future. I can put it on my bucket list. Along with all the other stuff. 
We also asked if there was anywhere we could go swimming outdoors and we were told of somewhere the locals go. We found a nice section of river. Sian just got in, James got in, got back out and then manned up and got back in. They swam. I got in up to my knees. And then got back out again. Wuss. But it was a good start. I did swim in the sea years ago but never really swam in a river yet. It's one for the bucket list and will be achieved. I'm facing my fears. 
Rest of Sunday was chilling. Sian fell asleep and James and I chatted round the BBQ that refused to light. That BBQ was a bugger. We put wax on it, a whole thing of firelighters and some cardboard. Eventually it played it ball and we were able to cook food on it. I say cook. I burnt the Quorn sausages. The kebabs fared better. 

The end of the trip. The tent was down and the car packed up. We were still buzzing. It was awesome.

I have enjoyed this walk, this climb more than the other two. I felt a real sense of freedom. There was a lot on my mind and the walk allowed me to sort a few things out in my head. To realise what I want to do for myself and what I need to leave behind in order to move forward. A sense of calmness 

1 comment:

  1. Just the end of this adventure, many more to come!
