Sunday 3 August 2014

10k and cider

Yesterday was a jammed packed day.

Early start due to me running a 10k at Blaise castle estate. The weather forecast was supposed to be rain and although it did pour down in the morning, it was dry for the actual race. Due to the earlier rain, it was very muddy and very slippery so caution had to be taken for uphill and downhill so flats were when a burst of speed was required to make time up. I pretendend to be an airplane on one the downhill slopes  I almost twisted my knee or one of the downhills so walked for a bit to make sure I hadn't hurt it and then finished with a sprint and a leap over the finish. Was knackered but did it in 1:04:45 which beat last years time by  9 mins. Gives me hope that I can shave 9 mins off my marathin time and 6 mins off my half marathon time. I've decided not to do an ultra but to focus on getting faster which means looking at my nutrition and working on my interval training to help my body become more efficient. I have also decided to try a triathlon. I really need to get my swimming back in order to swimming lessons will need to be procured and I will need a new bicycle at some point. But for now it's just a new inner tube and a cover for it -which I must sort out. Gotta love online shopping :). I'll probably order some more gels as well.

After a lovely shower and dozing I awaited the imminent arrival of my mate Emily. Spent a couple of hours catching up before heading out for dinner at the lovely Tinto lounge where the cider drinking started. We then miss the bus, wandered down glos rd and then caught another bus. Em pointed out she always ends up doing long walks with me. Not that it was that long at all. We headed to the passenger shed at Temple Meads station where a cider fesitval was occurring. We drank plenty of cider, danced the Mangled Wurzels and were well posh with a cheese board in a takeaway box. Some guy did nick my sunglasses but he returned them eventually. We then headed to The Apple so Em could say hi to James (mutual friend) and drink more cider. Although I did throw mine on the floor. Accidentally I hasten to add. I don't like to waste cider. Even the Boxing Dog (cider at the festival) which I didn't like. Taxi home and then to bed. This morning - no hangover - well not much of one. 

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