Wednesday 27 August 2014

Just desserts - and my brain hurts

I remember when I used to get stressed out watching Formula One. Screaming at the TV for Ferrari to stop being crap and win. Today I was shouting at the TV about desserts. The Great British Bake Off is flipping stressful. And was it sabotage? Who knows? I won't spoil it in case there are people reading this who haven't watched it yet but I swear my blood pressure has gone up. Who would have thought it would be so stressful watching people cook.

Shouting at the TV isnt all I have been doing. I made a nice stir fry from what I could find in the cupboards. Kidney beans, chicken and apple were all thrown into the mix. Apple in stirfry tastes quite nice and I think I'll try that again. I also unpacked from the weekend and the floor has appeared again. My room needs tidying again but that's something for Sunday if it's not nice enough to be outside.

I also was checking out stuff I can do in 2015. 2014 still has 2 half marathons and a marathon to go so have decided that November and December will be left free to to do non running, walking, cycling things. Well might go cycling if not too wet. January I start up training again for a half marathon and a marathon so looking forward to the end of this year. Planning on relaxing. But I do want to do a triathlon next year so I will need to do swimming lessons and at some point sort out a road bike. And I want to do a long distance ride like Bristol to London. Possibly an event so support is there or I could try an advenure and just get out there and do it. So plenty to think about toward the summer next year. Plus I'm hoping to do three weeks in Canada, learn to ride a motorbike and do my bike test. 
I've emailed the climbing wall people to book my taster slot and if I enjoy that then that is something else I might take up. Although that will be just for doing, not going to suddenly develop a taste for actual rock climbing and start climbing large scale cliffs any time soon. At least I don't think so.....

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