Thursday 21 August 2014

Climb every mountain ... And you'll be a tad tired

It's been a funny old week so far. The scooter is in the scooter hospital aka the garage and it's lucky I took it in. Tyre pressure a tad on the low side and perished tyre valves (which could have led to a blown tyre) so they are now being fixed plus my rear light was out so all in all not a bad thing. One bad thing was I have had real problems with my train tickets. I bought some online but when I went to pick them up I had no booking reference and when I rang customer services they had no record. That wouldn't be a problem but the credit card has been charged and I'm a bit miffed so I've emailed first great western and they are looking into it.

Currently I'm sat round my mate Sian's house as tomorrow we are heading up to sunny Scotland well it be rainy Scotland but that doesnt have the same ring to it. Cos we and our friend James are walking up Ben Nevis. Forecast is showing as cold but not snowing but I've brought my ski googles anyway. There may be snow at the top. Its going to be exciting cos it's the last of the peaks. We have done Snowdon, we have done Scarfell pike and now we are finishing with Ben Nevis. It's going to be awesome. Next year we might try the Irish peaks. We also might try swimming in a loch. I say try. I've brought a bikini but it might be a tad cold for swimming. But if not then I'm game and I'll give it a go. Be a good laugh. I do hope we do more camping and walking up mountains. I'm a bit gutted I haven't managed to go camping with the scooter. I've kinda run out of weekends now as the weekends I'm not busy I should be running. Unless I go camping and do a run then. Which is a possibility. If so there are one or two weekends which are possible but I'll need to buy a dry bag first. Or maybe catch a bus or train somewhere. It's a possibility. After my October runs my weekends free up for a little but. It might be a bit cold for camping but I may try some cycling if not too icy. Definitely don't want to gall into a mid winter slump. I'm sure there is plenty to keep me busy in the colder months :)

Next update will probably be next week. Hopefully have plenty of stories from the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. You know you are camping late in the year when you wake up to ice on your tent! Hot breakfast is essential and have fun fab crazy lady :)
