Sunday 17 August 2014

Going nowhere

Well my plans for the weekend got a little bit jinxed. I wanted to go for a bike ride but needed to change my inner tube first. Should have been an easiesh task. My friend was coming to help as it was the back wheel and I haven't changed anything on the bike wheel without help before. The chain makes it. Little tricker so I thought it beat to ask for assistance. We didn't even get as far as getting the wheel off because the valve was the wrong one. My pump wouldn't fit it so I wouldn't have been able to pump it up. So back to the shop and doing a swap. I took my pump with me so I could double check (I'm not flipping going back again) . So hopefully the inner tube operation is booked for Tuesday. Weather permitting and as long as the valve gets through the hole in the wheel. At least the cover is on the bike now.

Saying that the chances of me actually going on a bike ride were pretty slim after I had run 14 miles. My marathin training has been pretty sporadic so it has been good to get out thee and the gym has help as well. Once the training is out of the way I can think about swimming lessons as well. Thoughts of doing a triathlon are still lingering.

Need to pack this week as off up Ben Nevis on the weekend. One forecast currently showing snow. Best take my goggles then! 

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