Monday 11 August 2014

Live is like a giant closet - you can fit it all in, you just have to shove real hard, and shut the door quick

Just did a gym session. I haven't been to the gym in ages. Since London in fact which is bad cos I paid for a yearly subscription so I better go a lot of times so I make my money worth.
Today I did 20min on the cross trainer, 10 mins on the other trainer which name escapes me (like running on air) and then a fast run on the treadmill for 15 mins. Sweating loads, heart pumping, muscles aching - so a very good session. Wanted to do some thing different, mix it up a bit. I love running but it can get a bit samey so it is nice to do something different. I came back feeling very refreshed although I think my muscles might complain in the morning so might look up some yoga on YouTube tomorrow morning. I also have some core workout exercises I want to do as my core needs alots of work.

I tidied my room on Sunday. Was ruthless and chucked stuff out, moved stuff round and now it feels less cluttered (although I still have a lot of stuff) and I have zones. My chilling zone which is my bed/sofa, my creative zone which is my table with my easel and my paints near by, my dressing zone where all my shoes and clothes are, my beauty zone which is my dressing table and my altar which is my spiritual zone. I feel much more at ease in my room, less busy and I've burnt some incense and it feels like home. Need to get some canvasses because I have some ideas, plus a board as I want to try collage. Had inspiration at Glastonbury tor And I came across my sketches. I have a couple of small canvasses but I prefer to work on larger ones. Not sure why, I think I like using the space. Only problem is I have limited wall space. I need to start sketchingr again but I tend to be a 'straight to canvas' kind of gal.

So much I want to do, and buy. Still need new trainers and if it's not too cold or miserable I may be trying swimming in a Scottish lake. Which I think might be a first I can't remember. I also want to try making a pie or cake a week. I need to make cakes for next Monday for my clubs charity run. I want to go on a bike ride and I need to do a long run. My brain is bursting with stuff I want to do. Then I say I don't have enough time and then the other voice says - make time. You can always make time for stuff. I have always had an empty mind, in the sense I can never think of things to do or run oute of time. Maybe if I organise my mind a bit more I might fit it all in. 

Like motorbike training. Eek I can't believe I've booked my motorbike theory test and I've emailed to find out about practical test. I'm still not 100% sure but I think oh well. The worst that can happen is I end up having an automatic licence. But I'm not giving up just yet.

Oh and I might be booking swimming lessons in the next few weeks and I must remember to buy an inner tube on the way to meeting a friend for dinner.

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