Wednesday 13 August 2014

Sleeping beauty in the exercise bike

Only a short blog tonight as it's passed my bedtime and the last two days I've not woken up to my alarm which implies that I need sleep. 
Went to the gym and did 30 mins on the exercise bike. Would have done more but my landlady was cooking dinner for us all and I liked the idea of a meal I wasn't cooking so had to get back. I'm enjoying the gym. It's a nice way to get back into running and I get to watch TV at the same time. Watched Fake Britain tonight. Thought I'd stretched enough but I haven't so that's the last thing I'll be doing before bed. In the dark cos I can't be bothered to turn the light on. 
I didn't get any painting done so that's booked in for Friday. My landlady has a mate over so we've been sat drinking wine, discussing men and generally just being rude.  A very chilled evening which was nice. Dinner with a friend tomorrow and so Friday will be getting my inner tube sorted and doing some painting. Maybe going for a drink but as I've been a bit splash with the cash I best rein it in.
Till next time

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