Tuesday 12 August 2014

I'm sure I wasn't this busy when I was younger

Well today I moved like a streak of wee when the alarm DIDNT go off. Checked the time and saw it was 6.50. Was washed, dressed, fed and out the door by 7.25. A flipping miracle. Hoping it doesn't do that again cos I do like a leisurely wake up in the morning.

My list of stuff to do keeps growing. Today I bought a voucher for a rock climbing taster session. Think it's 1 to 1 and it's 90 min so not too bad. Hopefully it means that when I meet up with my climbing friends I'll have a rough idea of what I'm doing. Hopefully. I've seen other stuff that I may consider but it is down to time and money cos I am trying to jam lots in.
- running (training for marathons and half marathons)
- walking up mountains
- painting 
- motorbike licence
- learning to swim (need to book this)
- triathlon or duathalon (depending on how the swimming lessons go)
- cycling
- potentially climbing

I'm exhausted just reading the list!

Got a tad wet going into work so I need to invest into some new motorbike gear. My stuff is 4 years old so it's a good innings but I really want stuff that keeps me dry or or least doesn't get me wet after 10 mins. So that's another thing to add to the list.
Went to the gym yesterday and my legs are a tad painful. Was great being on the cross trainer so going to do it again tomorrow. Although hip is seizing a little so may have to take a little care.
Had a lovely catch up with my dear friend Nakes. We chat a lot about running, other stuff and running. Hadn't seen her in a while so was awesome to see her. Hopefully she will feel better soon so we can go on a bike ride. 

Busy busy busy

And for some reason I cannot stop smiling :)

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