Friday 29 August 2014

And relax...

I love coming home and dinner has been cooked for me. My land lady's daughter cooked dinner tonight. Chicken pie which was very welcome on a cold windy evening such as tonight. 

Today has been a busy one as I've been interviewing all day with my manager. I forgot how exhausting interviewing can bel you have to stay focused for everyone and try not to look bored or tired. Plus you have to write and listen (ooo multitasking). I did get caught out looking at the clock but I pretended I had something in my eye. No idea if I got away with it or if the guy we were interviewing thought I was a weirdo. Possibly the latter. 

I have caught up with an old friend as well so that was nice. Brief but was good to hear they were doing ok. Hopefully I'll hear from them again but probably won't be for another few months. This was all done by text message so I'm assuming it was them and that their phone wasn't high jacked by purple aliens. Or any other colour alien for that matter.

The chatter has been about GBBO. Who would have thought cakes could cause so much controversy. Baking at dawn. Count your paces and draw French baguettes. I'm sure it will die down eventually but considering so much going on it is amusing that people get so het up about baking and sabotage. Village shows will never be the same again.

This weekend I need to get my act together and run 16 miles at least. I've postponed it till Sunday because I really want a lie in tomorrow and I'm busy Saturday daytime. I know I'm a real bundle of fun having a lie in at the weekend. The rest of the week will involves running, core workout and gym this week I reckon. Not huge amounts if fantastic fun but needs doing, although is May get distracted and do other stuff. My training has taken a back seat though and I do need to step it up a notch. I keep telling myself that after the races I can do other things in the evening and weekend until training starts back up again in  January. :)

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