Tuesday 19 August 2014

Going somewhere and somewhere and somewhere

Well from going nowhere to going somewhere. I've booked my flights to Amsterdam :). Accomodation is all sorted so all I need to do is train and turn up. Getting excited. First European marathon and then maybe a international marathon in May. Now that might be fun. 
Amsterdam trip won't be loads of sightseeing as need to rest up but we might head over to Dusseldorf for a day trip. Saturday will be expo and sitting eating pasta and drinking coffee. Or tea in my case. It's my first trip flying on my own. Will be preparation for my first international flight alone next year. Canada will be fun. Need to look at what I want to do there - besides run a marathon and see my family.
Done Niagara Falls and Toronto already so need to find new stuff to do. Plenty of time to save up and sort out as it's not till May :). Before that I have leceister half marathon and Brighton Half marathon. Plus gonna fly up to Scotland to go see friends hopefully before the end of this year.
So plenty to keep me busy
Before all that I need to pack for Ben Nevis so that's what I'll be doing tomorrow night. Conflicting weather reports but I reckon it'll be a tad chilly so packing warm clothes for this one. Don't think there will be any sunbathing this time round.

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