Monday 4 August 2014

Nailed it

Well today I retook my CBT which I do every two years so I can ride my lovely scooter. And today I nailed it. I have always been a bit nervous, bit wobbly. I worry that I don't hold my line, that I don't do my checks quickly enough but today i was told I was a good rider and that made me happy. The instructor thanked me and the other guy because we did everything right so it was a pleasure to ride with us. 
The morning was the manoeuvres. Normally when I do the slalom I go wide or I miss cones, I went a little wide once, but otherwise tight up and no cones missed. I did a nice figure of eight, again only wide once and didn't put my foot down. No foot down on the u turns at all (at one point I stuck my leg out to counterbalance but it didn't out it down! and my emergency stop wasn't bad (although I did catch my throttle once and so sped up at same time). When we went out on the road I made good use of my signals, did them in plenty of time, did my lifesavers. I had to lead through the city and I must admit I was a tad nervous. The only bricking it time was when I had to cross three lanes of traffic to get right and found it hard to find a safe time to do it. A van got very close but then my instructor basically cleared the way for us. Could do with someone doing that for me on a regular basis. I must admit joining busy traffic and getting across lanes I still find tricky but I still passed. The instructor reckoned we could start thinking about our test. I would need to trial a geared bike first to see if I could actually  get on with them but if I couldn't I can always look at doing an automatic test. The options are all there.
I really must change my driving licence address. Hadn't noticed I hadn't changed it! So I'll get that dine this week. 
 I also marshalled for our club event. I just stand there and clap people on and direct them. So doesn't take a lot but it's nice to give my time doing it. I ran it last year and I may try and run it next year. I got. a cheeky bottle of wine as there were one or two let over so I managed to get one. Bonus. Running tomorrow with my mate Carol to make up for the fact we were marshalling rather than running. 
Bedtime me thinks. Used all my petrol on the CBT so need to pop to the garage before I head to work

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