Thursday 31 July 2014

Burn baby burn

Had a fire drill at work yesterday. Always interesting to see how people will react and usually people act like its a drill. They don't know it's a drill but they will go back for mobile phones, sit at the computers cos they have to finish something, dawdle etc. I'm a fire warden so I get to move people along. I knew it was a drill (well not the exact day but I knew one was coming) . I've suggested we burn something to give it authenticity next time but the idea wasnt taken up. Can't think why. You always get one or two or think they are more important and don't have to abide by what they are being told. For example as the congregation point is the car park, plus we need to keep the entrance free for fire engines, people are told they can't move their cars. But you always get someone who gets in their car and tried to move off and can't understand why the fire wardens won't let them out. My colleague got yelled at by someone once. 

Otherwise yesterday was just another day at work.

In the evening I made stir fry. Lots of veggies, cooked in sesame oil. Yummy. I rarely cook cook so it was nice to make something for a change. Tonight it will be pasta as I'm racing tomorrow. 10k, off road. Should be a laugh. Aiming to beat my personal best there of 1hr 13. Is doable. So tonight is resting and working out how to get there. Best get some money out so I can actually get the bus. 

Weds I went to a mates house. Ran 3.9 miles and boy did it hurt. Didn't warm up enough, plus the heat wasn't helping. Still she cooked a yummy dinner and then we made cupcakes. I say we, it was mostly me with her jokingly dissing my attempts to mix packet mix cupcakes. She made the icing. They were yummy but you did have to eat them with a spoon which I'm not sure you are supposed to do. 

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