Saturday 26 July 2014

The heat is on

I'm no Bridget jones. She as least wrote every day whereas I haven't blogged for almost two weeks. Technology does not make it easier to blog/diarise events. I used to try and keep a journey but although it started neat and full of hope as the days went on my handwriting got messier and the subject matter was just full of angst. So I kept giving up. Plenty of half started journals littered in my life. The beauty of the blog is you don't waste paper because you can just pick it up where you left off. 

So that is what I am doing

Blimey it's hot. I'm not complaining cos I love the sun. But trying to train in the heat is really difficult and careful planning is required. I tend to run in the late evening but then I come home, eat, shower and then bed so life is just run, eat, sleep with the occasional work thrown in. So I'll be happier when it's a little cooler. I don't think I'll do an autumn marathon again. Stick to the spring ones cos it's easier to train when it's cooler. Might do a triathlon next year. I have a year to train. My mate is taking swimming lessons and is going to let me know how he gets on. My cycling is stuck at the moment as back tyre has a chronic puncture problem due to the inner tube being the wrong size so I need to sort that out before I can go on any long rides. Plus the brakes are sticking p, so some tinkering is required. Hoping to draft in some help from people who know about bicycles because I know nothing. Well I know a little bit but I'm all for getting the advice so next time I can at least try and do it myself.

The other news is I'm looking to go to canada. Not forever because I love this country and I have friends here who I would miss. I'm not great at making new friends. I'd have to hope my sister in law and brother could help me make friends. Not that I can't make friends. I've made new friends recently but as with most things I tend to find they made the first move. I'm not great at moving things forward and rely on other people to make things happen. Majority of the amazing things I do is because someone else is done the sorting out. I try and help. 

Well going to go for a walk and a picnic in the sunshine. Enjoy people

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