Monday 28 July 2014

I want a dragon

I just watched the new How to Train your Dragon Movie. So want a dragon now. I'd call it Firefly and I'd fly everywhere. It would be awesome. Not sure where I would keep it but it could roam the grounds at work and terrorise the deer. Wouldn't take it all the time cos the scooter might get jealous.
Seriously it is a good film so if you haven't see it yet then go see it (make sure you see the first one because it makes more sense if you have). Went to see it with Dave (for those that dont know that is my ex husband) and we ate a lot of popcorn, followed by dinner after. My belly has a food baby in it now. But it was a good evening. 
Been checking out a brochure for trips to Canada. Still in the planning stages at the moment but in getting an idea if what I want to do. Might give skiing another go, if I can get over being scared of falling over then I reckon I could be alright at it. I'll leave the black runs to the likes of my fearless friends but I reckon i might be able to make to a red run - if I put my mind to it.
Vancouver is another place I'd like to check out and the rail holidays look fun, although not sure I like the idea if just sitting at the train staring out of a window. I'd want to experience it, feel it, taste it, enjoy it. There is so much to do out there and so little time to do it. I just don't know where to start.
Need to get my Amsterdam marathon out of the way. An adventure itself as never done an European marathon before  and I'm glad Emily is doing it with me. The next step will be to do a international marathon and I have got my eye in Toronto marathon in May 2015. am in London ballot again so need to see how that turns out first. Not doing an autumn marathon again. Training in summer sucks so going to stick to spring marathons and train through the winter. Summer has far too much fun and fitting in runs when a) I'd rather be enjoying the sunshine and b) it's too hot to run till later, is hard work. 
Currently falling alseep. Did not sleep well. Was watching movies at 3am cos my insect bites kept me awake so gonna slope off and sleep now

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