Tuesday 29 July 2014

There is more to life than running

Didn't go running today. Should have done but the hot nights have made sleep non existent and so I'm shattered. Decided to paint instead

This is the start of my painting. Not sure what the final piece will look like but it's a start. Might do another swirly one later this week. I like swirls, they are fairly easy and you can decorate them, I'm quite chuffed wi the last one I did. My favourite piece is still my flames picture which has pride of place on my wall over my altar.
Only problem with painting today is I didn't open my door and have inhaled acrylic paint fumes. Not many but enought to give me a headache. 
Running tomorrow but not Thursday and Friday as resting before my 10k on Saturday. Weather forecast is rainy which is typical. It's Blaise castle estate so gonna get a tad muddy me thinks. Oh well it will keep things interesting.im aiming to beat my personal best of 1hr 13 on this course. So as long as the mud isn't too nasty that is doable. Then after that I two my marathon training. Gotta stay on top of it to make sure I get round!
Annoyingly I saw something interesting on the way to work and I can't remember what it was. I'm going to have to write things down otherwise this blog will be a boring montage of the scraps of my life I can actually remember and I doubt people will find it interesting.
Canada hasn't moved forward mainly because i haven't done more than what I said last time. I have received a book on tours and it has given me an idea of costs and what I want to see. Now it's working out getting out there. 

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