Saturday 26 July 2014

Perfect picnic and strangers ice cream

I love picnics. They are never boring and you can mix and match foods. Today I mixed raspberries with peanut m and m's. Rather delicious. And you push the m and m into the raspberry. I know, very far out. 

Today has been interesting. I saw a woman running down the road with a frying pan, a guy with what looked like a table strapped to his back and I got to eat a complete strangers ice cream (that was my good deed for the day).

So bimbled down glocester rd to pick up supplies for the picnic (cider was included - very important supply) and then caught the bus down to city centre (don't worry the post isn't going to be a step by step of what I did today). This is when I saw the woman with the frying pan. Very shiny frying pan too, no idea why she was legging it down the road, she wasn't chasing anyone. Eventually we got to Ashton court (after couple of wrong turns) and had a rather enjoyable picnic. Entertainment was child face planting in the grass and her mother laughing hysterically, and a small toddler making a bid for freedom. Lunch was walked off as we ambled round, checking out the deer and playing hunt the shade as it was a tad warm today. Ice cream stop concluded the work and we headed back into centre. This was when my good deed happened. There was a woman offering her ice cream to people. She had bought it for her friend and they didn't want it so she was offering it to people. She already had one and was about to get into a car so couldn't eat two. So to help I eat I ate the ice crea. Mr whippy with raspberry sauce and a flake in a little tub. Very yummy although in hindsight maybe we should have got a picture of the car so if I was poisoned we could hunt her down. Not sure why someone would be handing out poisoned ice cream (rather rude to do that if you ask me) but you can't be sure! Currently I'm still fine.

The guy with what looked like a table strapped to his back was cycling up glocester rd. the bus never overtook him so I never got the chance to have a good look. Out bus driver was interesting to say the least. I mean most buses stop, open the doors and allow the passengers to get off. Not our bus driver - bus stops, doors open, I go to get off, bus moves forward!!!!!!! Wtf! I don't want the bus moving whilst a) doors are open and b) I'm about to get off. I would have been a tad unimpressed if I'd fallen cos of that. 

Currently chilling out, relaxing in the shade thinking about my running route tomorrow (12 miles) 

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