Tuesday 8 July 2014

To Tri or not to Tri. That is the question

So I'm sat here after stuffing my trainers with newspaper in the hope that it will help them dry. Today I ran through streams, climbed over logs, scrambled up muddy banks and I walked along a log bridge (a bridge that was a log). Before I would have probably whimpered and said I didn't want to walk across a precarious bridge. Now I just threatened my mate with haunting if I fell off and died. It was quite liberating. Not much running occurred as we were checking out marshalling points for a race but I haven't been trail running much before and I think it's something I want to indulge in. Plenty of woods near Bristol but also it's not difficult to jump on a bus, train or scooter and head out somewhere if you know where to go.
My other new indulgence is cycling. I've decided that I might sign up for a long distance cycling event next year. I haven't done much cycling so I'll need to start small and build up to it but if I have something to aim for then it'll make sure I do it. That's why I sign up for so many races because it forces me out of the door. But I need to do more than just run, I need to cross train which is something that cycling is good for. It may be legs but it's different muscles. If I can get back into swimming, then who knows maybe I'll do a triathlon. I've been umming and aching over it because it's the swimming that is the problem. I'm not a strong swimmer. I'm a tad useless at it and would need lessons again. I'm not sure I'm one of these people that can swim. But I won't know until I try so at some point I'll sort myself out some lessons and take it from there. 
So this is my new sportier side. I'm running, hill walking and maybe cycling and swimming. I'm trying to keep myself busy and fit. Trying to fit it all in is certainly proving interesting.

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