Wednesday 2 July 2014

Starting a new blog

So here it is. This is me starting a new blog, trying something new and seeing if it actually works. It's very therapeutic to throw your thoughts down on paper or the screen in this case. I have so many random thoughts flowing through my head. I sometimes wonder if I should have a dictaphone strapped to my head so I can speak my thoughts out and remember them but then 1) that would look weird and 2) the thoughts are sometimes have shouldn't be said out loud in case the person they are about is stood next to me. Plus not very practical for getting a helmet on. So I'll stick with trying to remember them and typing them here so years later I can look back and think -yep I was weird back then and smile

Today I spent time with my bessie mate Loulabelle (not her actual name, I normally call her Lou but I felt like calling her Loulabelle here). It was a lovely few hours if catching up, eating cream teas and trying to eat ice cream before it melted. And it did melt and landed in our hands. Fortunately I was unusually prepared and had tissues to mop up the mess that couldn't be licked up. I hasten to add we only licked the ice cream on our hands and not anywhere else. This sentence is getting worse so I'll leave it for now.

I returned home and for some reason Weston must have been a tourist hot spot because it was standing room only.. Unusual for the x1 from Weston to Bristol on a Wednesday afternoon. I obviously missed something. When I did get home I decided that I needed to go for a 5 mile run (like the two days before) so that's three days in a row, tomorrow is not running it's cross training and then I'm climbing a mountain on Saturday. I'm not really an active person. It just looks like it.

So this is my new blog. I'm aiming to complete it every day a bit like Bridget jones but without saying how many cigarets I smoke (I don't smoke) and calories I consumed cos I try and count and get bored.

Ta at for now

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