Tuesday 2 September 2014

Emails and blenders

I have burnt my tongue on rice pudding. Ouch. Plus banged my arm into a table so  day for injuries it would seem. On a plus though I did work early. I went in early and left early. I like that idea because it allows me to go for a run in the evening.

Today was a sea of emails, the email box I was working on started with 100 in it. By the end of the day it had 101. So it looks like I've done nothing. I hasten to add I have had a very busy day answering emails and checking stuff and ringing people. I also manged to make the effort to ring round some local authorities asking for information only to find out that the message I was given was wrong and was the last thing they wanted me to do... Lesson learnt, next time get the information first hand. I like the variety if my job, and although the emails are frustrated in the fact they are breeding, I won't let it get me down. I have a cunning plan which is I'm going in uber early tomorrow to blitz the emails before new ones come in. Cunning indeed.

Managed to an 8 mile run today. Wore the wrong  trainers so my feet are a tad sore, hopefully they will have recovered enough for the wedding I'm going to on Friday. I'll soak them tomorrow. I was meant to be running marathon speed but went a little faster (not much more). Bit out of practice so sluggish and I've pulled a muscle in my shoulder so that was a tad painful. I found I kept zoning out which was quite useful. No focus on pain and made the hour and so go a lot quicker. I hope to get a long run in at the weekend. I also need to look at my nutrition. I'm finding it difficult to eat enough so seriously thinking about getting a Nutribullet. Blitz the food and drink it. Might work. I'm one of those runners that needs to eat properly or I have no energy which is a tad annoying.

Seen a half day course for abseiling.... Tempted. Think I'll try the climbing wall first and if the deal is still going then I'll give abseiling a go. 

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