Saturday 2 May 2015

Flying solo

I'm gutted. I wrote an awesome blog update yesterday and when I tried to publish it my iPad lost it. I can't remember all the awesome things I wrote in it so I'll have to just to write a smaller version.

So I've arrived in Canada. The flight over was cool. Several people would not have agreed with me as they didn't have in flight entertainment (not good if you have a 7hr flight) . However I had in flight entertainment and I watched Kings Speech, Guardians of the Galaxy and the Great Escape. I always watch things I've seen before now as the film often gets interrupted by the flight attendants on their announcements (the ones on my flight needed a script cos the amount of times they forgot to say things and had to come back on to say stuff -plus it's all repeated in French as well) . Plus I had the added bonus of sun shining on my screen. It was boiling on the plane. Normally I'm all snuggled up. I couldn't snuggle up. I was stripped down to a t shirt (I was wearing trousers as well) and roasting. I should have worn sun cream. I have sun cream for tomorrow - special sports stuff that stays working even when you have a ton of sweat running down your face. And considering it's going to be sunny with no cloud and temps around 14 degrees, I'm gonna be sweating. I did have the nice thing of having my meal before the masses as I have a gluten free meal. Meant I got two stale rice cakes instead of a roll. These rice cakes were sealed in cling film that took me ten minutes to get into and then tasted stale. Still I was hungry. I accidentally ate the on gluten free pretzels. I think the flight attendant tried to tell me but I was I grossed in a movie, plus my eardrums had been destroyed by the passenger announcements which seems to come through at several volume levels higher than you were listening to. I had just turned the volume up as it was a particularly quiet bit. My ears are still ringing. But I made it through. I had a headache which I have decided was jet lag teemed with free red wine (ok I wasn't supposed to be drinking but it's free). Once I had eaten the sickness and the headache seemed to go. I sometimes forget I feel sick cos I'm hungry. My family came to meet me. My nephew has grown so big since I saw him last. everyone else looks the same. I still find it amusing to watch my brother as a family man. My nephew is like a mini me of him lol.

My room is very nice. I upgraded for $40 dollars which is about 24 quid so only 12 quid a night extra. Added bonus my parents paid for it as a birthday present. I point out I upgraded before my parents offered to pay. My bed is huge and in the bathroom, I have a nice shower with a massive showerhead with another smaller one right behind it. The bigger one is for show, it doesn't work. Or I couldn't make it work. I have a nice enough view but I am on 14th floor so it was always going to be more than the building opposite. I have lain my running kit out for tomorrow. Opting for my running vest and shorts with my usual Union Jack skirt to wear over the top of my shorts.  I also have my Jaegermiester (sp?) hat to wear, to keep the sun off my face. Still not a hundred percent I'm going to wear it yet. 
I went to bed at a reasonable time but still woke up at 2am this time (so 7am your time) I'm hungry but forcing myself to wait till I go down for breakfast. Which is free with an executive room. 

I'll be hoping to write this blog to remind me of what I have done. This is my first slots international flight, my first international marathon. And I want to remember it all

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