Wednesday 6 May 2015

Hot days and flowers

Well I've now been here a whole week. Time has flown past but I feel I have packed in so much with my family and I still have two weeks left - woo hoo. The weather has been amazing. Gorgeous sunshine, maybe a tad hot but I'm not going to complain. Thunderstorms are predicted but I think that will just blow the cobwebs away. The weather will soon get back to sunny. So what have I been up to these last few days. Well still family orientated, been chilling and letting my legs recover. 

Today was one of the day's my mum looks after my nephew Owen. So I thought I'd hang out with them. Owen started the day with making a Lego spaceship which my mum broke. As it was a stunning day again, we decided to take him to the park. We had a kite to fly (free gift from a restaurant) and there was just enough breeze to fly it. Owen hasn't quite grasped the concept of the kite. He ran around dragging the kite or the string behind him but made no effort to get it in the air. He was laughing loads so definitely enjoying it but then the string broke and we had to put it away. He also raced me and won. As my legs were still healing, it wasn't difficult to let him win. He is a fast little tike though so I think he'll be good at sports. He also went on the slide and sat on a swing (well lay on the swing first) before sitting and watching the world. The were a lot of childminders and I saw a couple of four seater buggies. They don't look very comfortable for the kids at the back. The childminders are all in jogging clothes and being fit looking. Once we finished people watching we headed back home where we played with Lego, play-doh and drew a long picture with crossing guard, cars, superheroes and trees. It was the length of the kitchen and just went on for ages. Was hilarious with my mum, Owen and me all kneeling on the kitchen floor drawing with crayons.
Once playtime was over we headed out on some errands. There is a cool farm called Thatchers farm where my family get their meat from. There are also farm animals to look at including a cockerel called Oscar which may or may not be dead. We are unsure. Owen slept and then woke up just as we reached the farm - perfect timing. We took a look at some wild turkeys, bunnies and some pigs after we bought the meat. I resisted the urge to point out to Owen that we were going to be eating the piggies friends. Once home from that, Owen was dropped off and we headed to my brother lock up to see if there was some mesh there. Owen decided he would rather stay at home with his mum than with us so it was a little adventure for my mother and me. I had fun scrabbling over tubs, and packets of plaster to see if the mesh was in there. Was like mountaineering only with less ropes. 
The evening comprised of ending out to a place called Manadrins which is an all you can eat buffet. It was a much better version of Zsa Zsa Bzaaer. Much much better. The food was amazing, staff were friendly and the desserts were to die for. I love lime sherbet ice cream with chocolate sauce. Plus I got asked for ID when I ordered my that made my day. 


Today was a morning spent with my dad. We headed into Guelph (which is where my family lives) and visited the Guelph Civic Musuem. It had an exhibition on the Italian Canadians who lived in Guelph during the war and a wonderful art display about the poem In Flanders Fields which was written 100 years ago by John Mcrae. There were painting, textiles, stained glass. It was really awesome. There was also an interactive display abiut Guelph which my nephew will love when he visits. It was a lovely hot day again so we walked up to the basilisque (sp?). The museum is in the old Covent and the church is called Lady Immaculate. I took a few pictures. We headed back into Guelph and my add took one out for lunch in this lovely bistro. The food was excellent. That's one good thing about Canada, the food is amazing.  Only had soup and sandwich but the portions were epic. Also tried out some Cabadaian cider. Not bad. So I could move here, and I'd have decent cider. We had to sit indoors as it was so hot outside. I'm not complaining, as England doesn't get gorgeous hot days very often. This is the kind of heat we usually get in July/August so it's only going to get hotter here but then in winter it gets down to minus 30 so swings and roundabouts. It was great catching up with Dad, making sure everyone is well. 
I spent the evening with Robyn. She owns a flower business so she was doing a little workshop on Mother's Day flowers and she did it in conjunction with a cupcake business called Sweet Temptations. If you are ever in Guelph then check out Blooms and Flora. We started with the cupcakes and we were shown 5 different types of piping of icing. We only had 4 spaces in the cupcake boxes so we had to eat one - I had champagne icing yummy. Then Robyn showed us how to make a gorgeous display in a teacup. She is a good teacher and I made a lovely display for my mum. By the way Mother's Day is in May for Canadians. So it rounded off the day well.

Friday and Saturday will be in my next blog post

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