Tuesday 5 May 2015

Quiet day, day of reflection

Today my legs felt a lot better. Still have to walk down the stairs sideways but it is definitely getting better which means I can finally start going further afield. 

We went into Guelph today and took a wander round Downtown. There are a lot of lawyers and accountants in Guelph. Streets of them. It was nice to have a look around and remember what I had already seen when I had been here before. It's been a mild sort of day, trying to rain and giving up. Sometimes wish it would make its mind up.

The afternoon I went for a lovely walk on the river with my mum. There is a railway line right next to it, no barriers and the line is still in use. We didn't see any trains but we did see some hardcore geese who were quite happy to stand on the line and didn't seem to care. There is a Trans Canada trail which I might give a go. We ended up heading to a DIY store to buy stuff for my bro (I think I should become a partner, buying materials lol) and at one point I decided that my mother had been replaced by an alien. I have never heard her beep at any one let alone beep at someone to get them moving at the lights. She has become a tad aggressive but that's not a bad thing.

Tonight I have been drinking cider whilst watching Rescue Bots with my nephew. My nephew was not drinking cider, he's a little bit young. I did put my first lot of photos up on Facebook but I did such a terrible job of it I think I'll wait till I'm home and I can use the laptop. At least then I can write captions on them. Just have to remember what all the scenery pictures are. Only plan for this week is to head to Toronto at the weekend to the comic convention and check out some of the things to do in Toronto. :)

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