Thursday 18 September 2014

Run before the storm

Wow what a light show last night. Coming back from the first run of the Weston Prom series, the lightning (hope I've spelled it right) lit up the sky. It was an awesome sight and brought back some lovely memories of watching storms on the continent. The spread of the forks across the sky was spectacular. What wasn't awesome is the thunder did keep me awake so it took forever to fall asleep which was surprising as I was knackered.

First race of the Weston Prom Series. 9 races, 5 miles, up and down the sea front. Not the most interesting of races, once you have gone up and down and you have to realise you have to do it again it's a bit blergh. The very first time I attempted it a few years ago I didn't manage 5 miles, only managed 2.5. This time though it was 5 miles under 48 mins which I'm pleased with. Now just need to get that time down. Started too fast this time but running with friends kept me going and I kept going, without stopping with a sprint finish at the end. I saw the clock at 47 and though I'm getting in under 50 mins. Possibly pushing myself with a Half marathon on Sunday wasn't the greatest idea but I'm pleased anyway. The main reason is the social aspect. A number of us went for curry after at the pub. I didn't go large for a pound and I still didn't manage to eat it all. I did have a chocolate brownie and two  cookies at work yesterday maybe that filled me up lol. Bit I'm looking forward to the next run. Hopefully it'll be a bit cooler. 

Gotta revise for me motorbike theory test tomorrow. Wish me luck

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Canada planning

Just back from spending a lovely evening with my friend Carole. Her little boy is 9 months old and it doesn't seem five mins that she was pregnant so time flies when you are having fun. And it does feel like time is flying in which case it won't be long till I'm back in Canada visiting my family so I thought it best I start thinking about what  I wanted to do when I was out there. Logistics will need to be looked at but for what I can see the Greyhound is an option and not too dear. Also something's I may have to book especially as I am heading over in spring when the marathon is on (as I'm hoping to run it).

So what things am I thnking of doing
-CN tower revolving restaurant - even if all I do Is have lunch or a slice of cake
-CN tower edge walk - this is still a maybe as last time I was at CN tower there was no way I was doing it but you know what, you only live once and I don't know when I'll get the chance again. Obviously it's dependent on weather.
- a wine tour - there are loads of them and some are done by bicycle or car or scooter. I think if I'm drinking wine someone else should be in charge
- Algonquin park - Ontario has lots of parks but this one has been suggested. You can hike, nature watch, canoe etc. It had adventure day tours so that will be something I'm checking out. You can stay nearby or camp. As I'm not taking my camping stuff I may stay in one if the lodges that has bunks and dorms so a cool way to meet people. 
- Niagara falls - just so I can say I have been three times lol
- Day trip to America. Niagara is right next to the border so could hop over for lunch
This is just a starter if ten. I have several months to really start thinking about it and want to cram as much as I can in, as well as seeing the family lol.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Back in the week...

Wow I haven't been posting on my blog for ages. Well luckily I can say it's cos I've been busy rather than I couldn't be bothered. Let me do a run down over the last week and then my blog will be back on track

Thursday 4th sept

Got picked up by Jenny and we headed over to the hotel for Lacey's wedding the following day. We took a bit of a detour as I lost my sense of direction and we missed a couple of the directions with the sat nav so we possibly didn't go the direct route but it was fun plus we got to go over a cute little bridge for 70p. When we arrive we chatted with friends before heading to bed. Thankfully our single room had become a family room so no need for a sleeping bag and an air bed.

Friday 5th sept

The big day. It was a sunny day and the venues were lovely. Everyone looked like they having a good time. I had managed to forget my shoes but luckily for me most of my girlfriends pack multiple shoes so I had others to choose from. I lasted about 4 hours before I hD to change into my flats. I drank copious amounts of alcohol but luckily for me no hangover :)

Sat 6th sept 

Very tired but as mentioned before no hangover. We all headed home after collecting cars from the venue and stopped on the way to check out the mulberry factory shop. Couldn't really afford anything but it was nice to wonder round and poke things. When I got home I slept some more and did some shopping before eating a large bowl of pasta.

Sun 7th sept

My marathon is getting closer so had to fit a long run in. Went and did 19 miles which I was pleased with. 

Tuesday 9 sept

I tried climbing and bouldering. Yes me I did it! I think I prefer bouldering but I am going to do a beginner course in climbing. If only to learn how to descend gracefully. As it was I would lean back (as instructed), put my hands on the harness (as instructed), place my feet on the wall and start walking down (as instructed), swing and bounce back into wall and then slide down with your back against the wall (not as instructed). The instructor couldn't work out how I was doing it. Every single time. Bouldering was very cool except sometimes I would jump down and forget to let go so pulled my shoulder muscle a bit.

The rest if the week was a jumble of running, catching up with friends and generally being busy (a bit like this week). Sunday was bliss just lying in bed doing nothing. Relaxing and having time to myself. 

I may do a retrospective blog to look back at the days I've missed but for now I'm signing off x

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Showering in the dark

Sooo the lights have gone in the house. There is power to everything else (plug sockets etc) just not to the lights. Or the oven. For some reason the oven ain't working either. The breaker is refusing to stay up and stubbornly staying in the middle so an electricin is being called. It's probably something simple but we can't figure it out. I did message my dad and go through some basic stuff. It means that this morning I had breakfast and got dressed in the dark and this evening I had it have a shower before it got dark. There is currently a lamp in the hallway so I can get to the bathroom without walking into something and it's directed at the bathroom door so the light shines though so you can see what you are doing in there. All that time walking round my flat in the dark has really paid off. I knew it would come in useful one day. I must admit I prefer darkness however it is weird switching the light switch and nothing happening. 

I got my eyebrows threaded today. I was looking at my face and thinking urg blackheads when I realised my eyebrows needed doing. Luckily for me the salon could fit me in and now I have tidy eyebrows. I also have bought some face stuff that clears blackheads in one day. So see how that goes. Maybe my face will disappear. Sat doing my nails. Well I've finished now cos I wouldn't be able to write this blog if I had just done my nails, I totally understand why people pay other people to do their nails for them. I get bored so quickly. I keep thinking that mabe once a month I'll treat myself to a facial or having my nails done. There are some things I need to do regularly like getting my eyebrows tidyied etc. I should really have a better regime. Although saying that I do have a skin care regime and I am getting good at doing it morning and night. Not doing it tonight cos I used the blackhead stuff  -ahhh.

Waffling now about random stuff. Which may or may not be interesting. Depends who is reading it. Thinking I might go into work early again tomorrow, let's hope my PC behaves it self and doesn't need rebooting twice! The beauty of going in early is I get an hour to just get on with work and I can go home at four and I've still done a full day. 

Yep I'm definately rambling now so I'm going to say farewell for now. I'm off to wedding on Friday so my next blog entry probably won't be until Saturday when I hope to write up about a wonderful time:D

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Emails and blenders

I have burnt my tongue on rice pudding. Ouch. Plus banged my arm into a table so  day for injuries it would seem. On a plus though I did work early. I went in early and left early. I like that idea because it allows me to go for a run in the evening.

Today was a sea of emails, the email box I was working on started with 100 in it. By the end of the day it had 101. So it looks like I've done nothing. I hasten to add I have had a very busy day answering emails and checking stuff and ringing people. I also manged to make the effort to ring round some local authorities asking for information only to find out that the message I was given was wrong and was the last thing they wanted me to do... Lesson learnt, next time get the information first hand. I like the variety if my job, and although the emails are frustrated in the fact they are breeding, I won't let it get me down. I have a cunning plan which is I'm going in uber early tomorrow to blitz the emails before new ones come in. Cunning indeed.

Managed to an 8 mile run today. Wore the wrong  trainers so my feet are a tad sore, hopefully they will have recovered enough for the wedding I'm going to on Friday. I'll soak them tomorrow. I was meant to be running marathon speed but went a little faster (not much more). Bit out of practice so sluggish and I've pulled a muscle in my shoulder so that was a tad painful. I found I kept zoning out which was quite useful. No focus on pain and made the hour and so go a lot quicker. I hope to get a long run in at the weekend. I also need to look at my nutrition. I'm finding it difficult to eat enough so seriously thinking about getting a Nutribullet. Blitz the food and drink it. Might work. I'm one of those runners that needs to eat properly or I have no energy which is a tad annoying.

Seen a half day course for abseiling.... Tempted. Think I'll try the climbing wall first and if the deal is still going then I'll give abseiling a go. 

Monday 1 September 2014

Autumn days

September begins. Can't believe it's September already. Autumn has arrived. The leaves are turning glorious colours, the air is warm but the crispness of the evenings is in the air as the evenings draw in. I do like autumn. Bonfires, Halloween, dark evenings. Along with winter this is my favourite time of the year. I have a dark side to me that feels at home in the autumn. Need to start think autumn equinox and how to celebrate but also Samhain. Need to start thinking of my challenges ahead and how best to celebrate my new year.

Didn't get a chance to run tonight as I worked late (ok work/life got completely smacked down today) but I did go to the gym yesterday. 15 mins in the cross trainer, 30 mins on the treadmill and 15 mins on the bike. Was quite pleased with it. Gutted I didn't run and I do need to learn not to beat myself up if I don't run. I will get one in tomorrow. I'm planning 2 runs and a gym session this week, Friday I will be at a wedding so Sunday is a long run and this time I won't lock myself out so I can actually go for it. 16 or 18 miles. I have a seven min workout I plan to do each morning. Also I do dance round my room occasionally like a loon and I work a sweat up sp that must count as exercise.

Right to sleep, to dream. Or at least lie here with a full belly. Morgan (the other lodger) cooked tonight. Bloody nice spag Bol which I ate far too much of. The spaghetti was not gluten free so I envisage an upset stomach tomorrow. Hopefully I shall be proved wrong.

Love and light